cPanel cannot be executed standalone. It must be run from cpsrvd or xml-api. This check can be disabled in Tweak Settings - (114 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)
Whm 106 sürümünde türkçe dil ekleme nasıl yapılır - (17 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)
/usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/ line 648. Hatasının çözümü - (12 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)
Whm/Cpanel Lets Encrypt SSL kurulumu - (146 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)
Cpanel Webdav servisi kapatma - (122 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)
cPanel & WHM Sunucuda Mail Çıkış IP Adresini Değiştirme - (13 مرات المشاهدة / 0 people found it helpful)